A few weeks ago, we were up at the viewing platform on the mountain. For once, the weather was perfect and we had a great view; no haze, no clouds. We could see clear to the Appalacian mountains in Vermont, USA. May as well share the shots here.
So, after the last post there was an amout of outrage amongst the sparrows. How come the handsome stranger got a blog to themselves? To redress the balance, we ran an extensive photo shoot, and here are the results. (I don't know how the pigeon got in there...)
I am yellow and white, about 3ft 2" and have black eyes. I live in Montreal, Canada in a house that I share with my roommates Alan and Heffly. Heffly is a purple elephant; Alan is not.
I have lived in Montreal sine May 2004. Prior to that I spent many years in County Kildare, Ireland which is very damp. My favourite drink is a pint of Murphy's stout and I am extremely partial to Steak Tartare.