Mutterings of a Big Teddy

Friday, July 28, 2006

American Goldfinch; Stay away from Me-hee...

These are photos of a female American Goldfinch. Isn't she beautiful? Unfortunately, she has adopted an annoying habit of fluttering against the upper and lower windows of the front of the house and tapping on them with her beak.
I googled this behaviour and found very little. One entry I did find referred to a female cardinal (also a seed-eater) attacking her own reflection. I can only conclude that this what the tiny madam is doing. According to other sources, Goldfinches don't nest until July (!!); something to do with their moulting patterns.
The male and female both scavenge for nesting materials, but the female does the actual nest building.
"Just leave it over there darling, thank you" sort of thing. "Oo, and some more wood shavings, if you can get them. Lovely."
In theory, once she has laid her eggs, she should stop this tap-tap-tapping as she should be engaged in full-time sitting. We shall see...

p.s.- To reply to a comment on the last blog, a psycho-squirrel is merely a squirrel who is psychopathic. Anything can be prefixed with "psycho-" (in my opinion). For instance, if your food processor got a bit out of control (falls off the counter, lid flies off etc.) you could refer to it as a psycho-food processor...





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