Mutterings of a Big Teddy

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

We missed it...

Hi Hi! Not too much to report. My friends are over visiting, Alan is in the Caribbean and the weather is warm and muggy...phew. So, haven't had many photo ops the last week. Hope to go to Angrignon Farm on Friday though, hopefully that will engender some snaps. Maybe I can get one of a tractor.....
Meanwhile, here is a blurry-ish picture of the park opposite our house, taken actually last May. Until we moved into our house (July '05), Alan spent many an hour strolling casually down the street, at all hours of the day and night. I would always be embarrassed and cross over but Alan would walk right past the house and have a good gawk. So naturally, in the course of this gruelling stakeout, we caught the park in bloom one day and took some shots.

Sad to say but while we were on holiday this year, we missed the very brief flowering of these trees. When we came back, there was just a few pink petals on the ground. Oh well, maybe next year.....


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