Mutterings of a Big Teddy

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Snuffsters Reports 1

This news just in from Snuff:
Greetings from Santiago BT!
Weather is gorgeous; a very clean dry heat.
The snow-capped Andes are a mad backdrop to everything and everywhere...kind of puts our own 'mountain' into perspective..
So, what else? We are living downtown in a teeny apartment with a great view (see pic). The nights can be still pretty cold though, so I'm glad I brought my Aran sweater. OK, heres some Santiago quick facts:
There are a lot of well-fed looking stray dogs wandering around. As it is summer, everything is just coming into bloom and of all things, the trees smell gorgeous...from marshmallow to stewed apples in custard..Mmm
Polution is really bad; there is a haze over the city most days. People are great here; very friendly. And the final fact, brought home hard everyday is that I cant speak all. Learning a basic word a day though to get by...find I overcompensate for the lack of Spanish by spewing out broken thats going to help.
Later, hopefully there'll be time to upload some first photographic impressions....


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